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In Memory of Egbert Gaye

Updated: Jun 8, 2023

Women on the Rise expresses our deepest condolences to family, friends, and loved ones of Egbert Gaye after his sudden passing on June 4th, 2023.

Egbert Gaye smiles slightly at the camera.
Egbert Gaye, the founder of Quebec's only Black-owned newspaper, passed away on Sunday evening.

Montreal Community Contact is a household name, a newspaper that many of us in Quebec have been bringing home every day for years. It meant a great deal having our neighbors, community members, and colleagues highlighted for the things they were doing, reading updates on current events, and being exposed to different viewpoints. Folks of all ages were showcased, demonstrating the impact of the many different people in the Black communities across our province. Our former executive director Grace Campbell was featured in the Montreal Community Contact in May 2022, and Egbert would ask for updates about our organization whenever he ran into our current executive director, Nadine Collins. It was and always will be an honour to have received his support and recognition for all the work we do in the community.

Egbert was a mentor and a leader, and he never shied away from someone who didn't share his point of view. He was someone who knew how a story can enlighten and uplift our community. His legacy will continue on, and we collectively thank him for his dedicated advocacy and support of the Black community in Quebec. He told the community's stories, shone a light on the issues that impact us, and created a one-of-a-kind platform where our experiences and joy could be shared. He will be so dearly missed.

Rest in Power Egbert Gaye, our local hero.

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